Members’ Cars

  This is a work in progress.  Members, email me at  for updating your information and submitting pictures.  The larger the picture the better.  IT WOULD BE GREAT IF EVERY MEMBER HAS PICTURES OF THEIR CARS ON OUR CLUB ROSTER PAGE.  Try this link for a complete explanation on the best way to take pictures of your car:

 Last Revised:   November 4, 2024

 (Click on the thumbnails for large pictures, and then hit the back button to return to this page)


Dan Alwerth
Waiting for photos


Larry and Helen Anderson


Paul and Debbie Anderson


Natalia Ashley
Waiting for photos


David Avila
Waiting for photos


Mark and Megan Batson


Mick and Karen Batson


Art and America Berry


Jan & Diane Black

Waiting for photos


Ralph & Katheryn Black

Waiting for photos


Pam Bohannon


Larry and Joyce Brown


Peter & Terry Bryk

Waiting for photos


Dennis Burgess

Waiting for photos


Rick Burian


Lynn Chapman


Bill Cheeseman


Joy Clauson

Waiting for photos


Kent Colby

Waiting for photos


Sandy Cox


Rich & Sharon Day

Waiting for photos


Gary Dittmar


Steve Dixon and Jolanda Schilling

Waiting for photos


Tim and Linda Drom


Raul and Dianne Duran
Waiting for photos


Jim Edlund

Waiting for photos


Joe and Janet Edmonds


Andrew & Sury Eymert
Waiting for photos


Finley and Fran Fields


Pam Firestone


Ron and Linda Fluitt

Waiting for photos


Steve and Karen Foster

Waiting for photos


Jim & Kathi Frisch

Waiting for photos


Wayne & Christy Garrett

Waiting for photos


Ronald & Clydel Giannini


Anna Gonzales

Waiting for photos


Paul & Naomi Gunther

Waiting for photos


David and Marie Hamilton


Richard and Marti Haney


Robert and Sandra Henderson


Lou Hitter
Waiting for photos


Chuck and Bonnie Hopson


Kent and Lorrie Hunter
Waiting for photos


Martin (Ike) Isaacson
Waiting for photos


Greg and Donna Jackson

Waiting for photos


Merle and Diane Jenkins


Lynn & Ellie Judes

Waiting for photos


Treton Judes

Waiting for photos


Jim and Susan Lavold

Waiting for photos


Steven & Janice Ledbetter

Waiting for photos


Dennis and Beverly Lucken Sr.


John and Ginger Lueder


Ken and Dawna Lund


DeeDee Mathews

Waiting for photos


Jean McCasland


Walt McLaughlin

Waiting for photos


Doug & Kimberly McNulty
Waiting for photos of the ’62 Grand Prix, ’62 Catalina, and ’67 GTO



Ray Miller

Waiting for photos


Carl Moore

Waiting for photos


Timothy and Terri Mullins
Waiting for photos


Allen O’Neil and Karen Bechtel


Scott & Ellen Parks

Waiting for photos


Justin & Cynthia Peck

Waiting for photos


Joyce Person


Wayne Pierce


Henry J. Polanco Jr.


Charlene Powe


Mike Reibling


Bruce Rhoads


Jeff and Magen Richardson


John and Patricia Richardson

Waiting for photos


Josh Richardson

Waiting for photos


Larry Rivas

Waiting for photos


Sean Robbe

Waiting for photos



Dave & Elena Rupp

Waiting for photos


Jim & Angie Saicheck

Waiting for photos


George and Cheryl Sardeson


Mathew and Virginia Scott

Waiting for photos      


Monte & Kim Skidmore


Larry Smith



Roy Smith

Waiting for photos


Kitty Stephens


Mike and Tracy Sullivan


Greg Swan

Waiting for photos


Ted and Vivian Terbeek



Ramon Torres
Waiting for photos


Everett and Eileen Tribbett

Waiting for photos


Don and Roxanne Tudor


Shelly and Rick Tygart



Ron and Tina Van Arsdall

Waiting for photos


Von Hot Rod

Waiting for photos


Rick & Brenda Waltch


Gary and Carol Washko


Scott & Sara Welsh

Waiting for photos


Mark Westwood

Waiting for photos


Dan and Dede Wurl


Mike & Connie Zych

Waiting for photos