Past Pleasures Car Club By-Laws
Article 1. NAME AND LOGO
Sec. 1. The name of this organization shall be the Past Pleasures Car Club. PPCC is also a recognized name for the Past Pleasures Car Club. For the purposes of this document the “Club” is recognized as referring to the Past Pleasures Car Club.
Sec. 2. The Club logo shall be (PAST PLEASURES CAR CLUB LOGO) to include the club name and a flamed ’32 roadster. The logo at the top of this document is a representation of the Club logo and made a part of the bylaws.
Sec. 3. The use of any Club Logo, T-shirts, jackets, or other commodities such as Club discounts shall be limited to active dues paying members and their immediate family.
Sec. 1. The Past Pleasures Car Club is a group of individuals dedicated to the preservation and common love for automobiles and music of the 1950’s and 60’s. The Club shall be non-commercial, nonsectarian, and nonpartisan. The name of the club or the names of any members in their official capacities shall not be used to endorse or promote a commercial concern or in connection with any partisan interest or for any purpose not appropriately related to the promotion of the objectives of the Club.
Sec 2. Formed in January 1979, the Club members participate in automobile related activities to include cruises, picnics, shows, rod runs, and support events by other car clubs.
Sec. 3. Monthly Car Show
a. The Club sponsors a monthly car show on the first Friday of each month, April through November, for the purpose of promoting the Club, the community, the media, law enforcement agencies, and creating a goodwill atmosphere for other clubs and individuals to show their cars. Awards are presented during the show.
b. Club members cars may be shown but are not be eligible for awards.
c. If a regularly scheduled show is cancelled, a December show may be held with the majority vote approval at the next business meeting.
Sec. 4. Annual Show
The Club may sponsor an annual benefit car show. The purpose of this show would be to raise funds for a specific charity.
Sec. 5. Expenditures
a. The Club is dedicated to charitable purposes and no part of the net income or assets of this club shall ever inure to, or cause profit to, the benefit of any officer, director, or member thereof or to the benefit of any private persons.
b. The Club may sponsor activities or purchase items that are for the potential benefit of all club members such as operating items for the Club show, sympathy cards and gifts, and reservations and food for a scheduled event such as the Christmas party or other club function.
Sec. 1. Full Club Membership – Must be a legal adult (i.e. 18 years old).
Sec. 2. Associate Club Membership – For those enthusiasts under the age of 18. They may participate in all Club activities but are not permitted to vote at Club Business Meetings.
Sec. 3. A full member and associate member should be a person of good character, fellowship and sportsmanship, an upstanding citizen with willingness to actively participate in Club activities, membership and business meetings, and must have completed and submitted a Club Membership Application and paid the appropriate dues.
Sec. 4. Surviving Spouse Membership – Applies to families that the primary member has passed away. The Surviving Spouse may remain as a non- paying member until such time as they wish to become Full Club Member again or decide to drop their association with the Club. They may participate in all Club activities but are not permitted to vote at Club Business Meetings.
Sec. 5. Honorary Membership – Prospective Honorary Members shall be nominated and approved by the general membership during a regular Club meeting. Honorary Members should be members of our community who have been long standing promoters, enthusiasts, and supporters of our Club. They may participate in all Club activities but are not permitted to vote at Club Business Meetings.
Sec. 6. Any Club member who regularly commits unsafe driving acts or whose personal conduct is otherwise detrimental to the purposes and reputation of the Club may be suspended or expelled from membership in the Club. Suspension or expulsion must be accepted by a majority of the members present at a regular monthly business meeting. Prior to any suspension or expulsion hearing, the person in question shall be notified by letter of the date, time and items to be considered at the intended hearing.
Sec. 1. There shall be an official business meeting, open to the general membership, once each month. The time and day shall be decided by the membership.
Sec. 2. Directors committee meetings and organizational meetings may be held as often as necessary to conduct their business.
Sec. 3. A quorum to conduct business at any general business meeting shall be deemed to be no less than fifteen percent (15%) of the dues paying members. There shall only be one vote per membership.
Sec. 4. All business meetings shall be run according to Robert’s Rules of Parliamentary Procedure.
Sec. 5. Agenda for business meetings.
a. Call to order by President
b. Introduction of visitors
c. Approval/correction of the minutes of the previous meeting
d. Approval of Treasurers report
e. Reading of correspondence
f. Directors reports
g. Old Business
h. New Business
i. Adjourn
Article V. DUES
1. Annual nonrefundable dues for continuing members shall be due January 1st. Members that are delinquent after April 10th shall be dropped from membership.
Sec. 2.
a. New Member Dues shall be $25 per family. Said fee shall include one Club membership T-shirt and one Club window decal.
b. Club Membership Renewal – Annual dues shall be $20.00 per family. Said fee shall include one Club membership T-Shirt.
c. Associate Club Membership – Annual dues shall be $20.00. Said fee shall include one Club membership T-Shirt.
d. Anyone joining after October 1st of the year will have their dues apply to the following year.
Sec. 1. Officers of the Club shall be:
a. President
b. Vice-President
c. Secretary
d. Treasurer
Sec. 1. The privilege of holding office shall be limited to members of the Club whose dues are paid and otherwise in good standing.
Sec. 2. Nominations for Officers shall be held at the November business meeting.
Sec. 3. Election of Officers shall be held at the December business meeting.
Sec. 4. Vacancies
a. In the event the President is unable to complete the term of office, the Vice-President shall become president for the remainder of the term.
b. A vacant officer position other than the President will be filled by the President appointing an interim officer. The new officer will hold that position for the remainder of the term after confirmation by a majority vote at the next general business meeting.
Sec. 5. Officers shall serve for the term of one year or until their successors are elected or appointed. No officer shall be eligible to the same office for more than two consecutive terms or hold more than one elected office.
Sec. 6. The term of office for officers shall be from January 1st to December 31st of the same year.
a. To serve as Chairperson at all meetings and to provide continuity and coordination to all functions. To act as Master of Ceremonies at the monthly show and other presentations. Must keep meetings orderly and on point to accomplish Club business in a timely fashion. Appoint Directors and committees as necessary and be an ex-officio member of all committees. Coordinates the Officers, Directors, and Committees of the Club to ensure that the goals of the Club will be met.
b. May appoint directors and committee chairs to promote the efficient running of the club. These director positions may be, but are not limited to:
1. Membership
2. Historian
3. Monthly Show Director
4. Club Activities Director
a. To perform the duties of the President if he or she is absent.
b. Serve as the officer-in-charge of the monthly show.
a. Shall record the minutes of the meetings of the Club, prepare copies of the minutes for distribution at the next business meeting, handle all Club correspondence, keep all records and issue the notice for election of Officers.
b. Provide copies of the Club By-laws for all members.
a. The Treasurer shall deposit and keep the funds of the Club in a specified bank account, make payments from the Club account as necessary and present a written statement of account at every business meeting of the club. Keep permanent books of account and records as shall be sufficient to establish the items of gross income, receipts and disbursements of the Club, including the number of members and the dues collected from the members. Such books of account and records shall at all reasonable times be open to inspection by an officer of the Club.
b. All moneys spent between the amount of $50.00 and $100.00 shall first be approved by a majority vote of the Club officers. Any moneys spent above $100 must first be approved by a majority vote of the general membership at any regularly scheduled business meeting. All expenditures shall have receipts. Membership dues shall be collected by the Treasurer who shall deposit said funds to the Club bank account, file a written report to the membership and provide an accurate updated list to the Membership Director.
c. Shall turn over to the Auditor all checking account ledgers, bank statements and any other pertinent documents necessary for the completion of an audit of the Clubs financial transactions and records. This official audit shall be done after the December business meeting and before the February business meeting.
d. Make an annual financial report to the Club which includes gross receipts and disbursements at the end of the year.
Sec. 1. MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR – Appointed position. Keeps a complete list of current membership and provide copies as needed for members. Provide copies of the Club Membership Application for potential new members. Collect new member applications and report them at the Club meeting. Provide new member certificates for all new members as well as be the custodian of the Club T-Shirts. Coordinate with Treasurer for accurate list of dues paying members.
Sec. 2. HISTORIAN – Appointed position. Keep an album of Club event. If and when an appropriate display for these items is prepared, the Historian shall be custodian of the contents.
Sec. 3. MONTHLY SHOW DIRECTOR – Appointed position. Report to the Vice-President regarding all aspects of the monthly cruise night. Ensure that the parking lot is secured, the standards are in place, persons are designated to park cars, the raffle is set up, registration is set up, judges for show are designated, DJ is secured, persons are designated to monitor hazards, and to ensure that provisions have been made to have the awards at the cruise night and designate a crew for parking lot cleanup following the show.
Sec. 4. CLUB ACTIVITIES DIRECTOR – Appointed position. Be responsible for coordinating Club activities (i.e., Club runs and cruises, social gatherings, etc.)
a. During any specific activity or event that any Director is conducting, a record of all activities and an accounting of all expenditures shall be kept in detail. When the activity or event is closed, a complete report shall be filed with the Club, including an income and expense statement when appropriate.
b. Upon the expiration of the term of office, or in case of resignation or termination, the director shall immediately turn over to the President all records, books, and other material pertaining to the office and shall return to the Treasurer all funds and materials belonging to the Club.
Article X. AUDITOR
Sec. 1. The Auditor shall be responsible for conducting an official annual audit of the Club’s financial transactions and records. The Auditor shall be someone other than the Treasurer and preferably someone not currently an officer of the club.
Sec. 2. The audit shall be conducted after the December business meeting and the competed written audit presented to the membership at the February business meeting.
Sec. 3. An audit will be conducted immediately upon the resignation of the Treasurer before the end of their term.
Sec. 4. The Clubs financial books may be audited at any time for good cause.
1. The Club officers may appoint a
By-Laws Amendment Committee for the purpose of changing or updating these by-laws.
The proposed changes shall then be brought before the general membership for
majority approval as specified in section 3 below.
Sec. 2. Any current member or members
may propose an amendment to these By-Laws. They must provide a written petition
with the proposed changes and have said petition signed by 30% of the dues
paying members in order for the petition to be brought before the Club officers
for consideration. After evaluation by the Club officers, the proposed
amendment may be brought to the general membership for consideration and vote. If the Club officers veto the 30% petition, it
must then be signed by 50% of the dues paying membership and may be brought
before the dues paying membership for consideration and vote without Club
officers’ consideration.
Sec. 3. Notice by any combination of email, phone, or mail to all dues paying members must precede any proposed changes to the bylaws. Changes presented, discussed, and finalized at a business meeting cannot be voted on until the next meeting. These bylaws may be amended, adopted, or repealed by a two-thirds majority vote of the members present at the regular business meeting after the notification period specified above.
Sec 1. In the event the number of voting members becomes ten or less, the remaining members may by majority vote dissolve the Club.
Sec. 2. The assets of the Club shall be distributed as determined by a two-thirds majority of the remaining members after all outstanding debts have been paid. The assets may not benefit anyone associated with the Club.